Image courtesy of https://www.popxo.com/2018/02/italian-town-in-sardinia-selling-houses-to-interested-buyers-for-one-euro/
Stop what you’re doing and go buy a house in Italy for $1.25. There’s a sentence you don’t expect to type every day. But as sure as I’m sitting here in front of my laptop on a Sunday afternoon, this is not a joke.
The town of Ollolai, on the island of Sardinia, is selling houses at an astounding price of $1.25. The small town has seen a major reduction in population over recent years (something like a 50% reduction, yikes!) and is looking to upgrade its appeal through cheap real estate. With very little industry available on the island, its youth are growing-up and moving away – leaving in their wake a throng of beautiful old homes, in need of some love.
The homes require an average of $25,000-35,000 in repairs to make them updated and truly functional. In order to purchase one of these beauties for $1.25 you need to fill out an application which stipulates that you’re committing to making the needed repairs within three years time. The documents are all in Italian, so it would help to have someone who speaks Italian to actually help you decipher the paperwork and what you’re committing to. But if you’re so inclined to check out this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, you can do so HERE.
Happy house hunting!